Mudra is a hand gesture .
Our physical body is made up of 5 elements - fire ,air , ether, earth , water.
Representing thumb, index,middle,ring and little fingers.
Imbalance among these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes Disease.
when the fingers are brought in to contact in a particular manner the imbalance in the element will be cured and disease caused by the imbalance will be cured.
Practice Mudras with both hands peacefully.
Practice each mudra for 5-15 minutes 3times a day.
1. mrutyunjaya mudra :
How to do :
bend and press index finger with thumb and join the tips of middle and ring fingers with the tip of thumb.
Benefits :
I can say very confidently that, this mudra relieves you from HEART PAIN with in 3 seconds .
if we practice it for 5-15 minutes everyday for 3 times, Heart will be very healthy .
This mudra is also called 'Life saver' and thus a first aid for heart attack.
2.vaata naasa mudra :
how to do :
Sit straight and relax your hands - bend index finger and middle finger pressed with thumb.
Benefits :
This mudra cures Spondilitis . Apan vayu mudra is also recommanded for quick results.
Also relieves pain in uterus during menstruation
3. Apaan vayu mudra :
how to do :
keep spine and head straight
and bend middle finger and ring finger touching with the tip of thumb.
Benefits :
If this mudra is practiced along with the above vaata naasa mudra - neck pain (spondilitis) will be healed completely .
2. This mudra is very useful for normal delivery in pregnant women . mudra should be practiced only in the last month(9th month) for 3times in a day .
3.Irregular menses will be treated with this mudra if practiced 3times a day for 5-15 mints.
4.vaayu mudra :
How to do :
bend index finger and press it with thumb keeping the remaining fingers straight.
Benefits :
this mudra is very useful in irregular secretion of endochrine glands (pitutary gland)and irregular hormonal secretion .
useful in stiffness of muscles and vertigo.
useful in urinary troubles
It cures rheumatism,arthritis,gout,Parkinson's disease and blood circulation problems.
5. prudhvi mudra :
How to do :
touch the tip of thumb with ring finger.
Benefits :
Practice this mudra in open air for HAIR GROWTH and for grey hair problem .
It strengthens muscles.
6. vudaana mudra :
How to do :
Touch the tips of index finger and small finger with the tip of thumb.
Benefits :
It effects all parts from throat to head and results in evolving sweet voice .
7. mukula mudra :
How to do :
join all finger tips to thumb .
cures Diabeties
This is an energy - giving and relaxing mudra.If placed on the organ that is feeling weak, that organ will be recharged with new energy and vitalised and will be healed.
8. maha vaata naasa mudra :
How to do :
Bend and press index finger and middle finger pressing with thumb and ultimately touching the tips of ring finger and little finger with thumb.
benefits :
chronic Rhumatic pains , Joint pains with swelling , feeling heat and pain will be surely cured completely with this mudra.
9. shanku mudra:
How to do :
Hold left thumb with right hand and touch the index finger with the thumb of right hand.
cures THYROID problem and all throat problems if practiced every day . To improve voice - sing "OM".
10. chaitanya mudra :
How to do :
Join both hands - index finger and thumb straight leaving triangular space in between . remaining fingers joined tightly or touch palm.
useful to remove EXAM FEAR ,tension, doubt,and dissatisfaction in students. Gives mental peace.
11. varuna mudra :
How to do :
touch the tip of thumb to the tip iof little finger.
1. Regularise hormonal secretion.
2. Helps to make face glow and shiny.
3. In case of low/irregular menstrual bleeding - this mudra makes normal
4.cures impurities of blood , skin problems and makes skin smooth. Useful in gastro- enteritis and any other causing dehydration.
12.soonya mudra:
how to do :
keep the index finger on the base of thumb,and press the finger with the thumb.
benefits :
it helps in curing earache, deafness, vertigo.
13.praan mudra :
how to do :
bend the little and ring fingers so that their tips touch the tip of the thumb
benefits :
it increases life force and cures nervousness and fatigue. it also helps increasing power of eyes .
14. Rudra mudra :
how to do :
Place the tips of your thumb , index finger,and ring finger together.
benefits :
this mudra used by the people who have experienced heart compalints, dizziness, the decent of interior organs,or general states of exhaution.
15.Mahaa siris mudra :
how to do :
Join index finger and middle with thumb and place your ring finger into the fold of the thumb and keep your little finger extended.
benefits :
This muda relieves from every type of head ache. Frequently , weather influences or tension on the eyes,neck,back,or pelvis .The Maha siris mudra balances enery ,has a tension - releaving effect, and eliminates mucous congestion in the frontal sinuses.
16. TSE mudra :
how to do :
place both thumbs on your thighs. Put the thumb tip on to the root of your little finger . slowly encircle your thumb with the other 4fingers while slowly inhaling through nose. hold the breath .slowly exhale and open your hands. Repeat this for 20 times.
benefits : This mudra chases away sadness, reduces fearful ness, over comes deepest Depression.
17. shakti mudra :
how to do :
Place your ring fingers and little fingers together. The other fingers are bent over thumbs.Focus your breathing on pelvic area.
benefits :
The shakthi mudr intensifies the respiratory impulse in the lower chest area. It has calming effect and will help you fall asleep at night. s it can bring pleasant relaxation to the pelvic area. As a result , it can bring pleasant relaxation to the pelvic area and counteract spasms in the intestines and even menstrual complaints .
18. Joint mudra :
keep right han thumb and ring finger together and Left hand thumb and middle finger together.
Do 4 times 15mints a day.
benefits :
This mudra blances energy in your joints. Severe arthosis also treated with this mudra.
19.Bhramara mudra :
Place your index finger in the thumbfold, and the tip of your thumb on the side of your middle finger nail.Extend your ring and little fingers. Do this with each hand.
benefits :
This mudra heals all types of allergies of intestinal track ,frontalsinuses, and bronchial tubes that is due to weak immune system .
20. Kafa nasa mudra :
How to do: close ring finger and small finger press with thumb. fore finger and middle finger should be kept straight .Benefits : this mudra clear extra phlegm and bad water in the body. Helps to eliminates waste fats from the body . Balances hormonal secretions . Regulate irregular menses in women. Regulates thyroid hormone in body . Helps to stop unwanted hair.
21.Asthma mudra:
This is for chronic asthma.
How to do : bend the middle fingers and the nails of two fingers touches . and all other fore fingers put apart.
benefits : In chronic asthma attacks do this mudra for 5,6 minutes for good relief. if asthma is in starting stage .. Bronchial mudra is enough.
22. Bronchial mudra :
how to do : keep small finger at the starting of the thumb. ring finger at the middle of the thumb and middle finger at the tip of the thumb .
benefits : in asthma attacks do this mudra for 4,5 minutes will relieve and helps to breath normally .